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Please Provide valid name.
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Please provide a father name.
Please provide a mobile number.
Please select gender.
Please select Birth Month.
Please select Birth Year.
Please choose a date of birth.
Please choose a date of birth.
Please choose a date of birth.
Please select gender.
Please provide a blood group.
Please provide a aadhar no.
Please provide a email.
Note : Provide Valid Email Id for Communication.
Please select category.
Fill Skater Club & Coach Information Details
Please select district.
Please provide a school name.
Please provide a Coach Name.
Please provide a coach mobile number.
Fill Address Details
Please provide a city.
Please provide a address.
Update Proof & Skater Photo
Please upload Id proof image.
Note : png,jpeg format only accepted. & photo maximum size is 2mb
Please upload Passport Size Photo.
Note : png,jpeg,pdf format only accepted. & photo maximum size is 2mb
All the information given by me is correct and if any information is wrong then I'm the responsible for this. I obey all the rules and regulations of TNSSA
Required to Agree to terms and conditions

Registration Completed
Skater Id :
Download Confirmation Certificate

download above certificate